Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy and sad

Too many things happen today. Early in the morning was kind of sad over some stuff, well its about what else but friendship. Indirectly I was affected and I felt sad about it.

Treat my dear TS for lunch cos she is really unhappy lately. Nice lunchie.. hee hee and we have revivial of childhood stuff at one of the shops around ang siang :) Lovely place

Afternoon I got affected by friendship again, sad. I think I should not be emotional over friends stuff. Since I cannot control it, I should let them be. It just sadden me cos all are my friends and I want them to be happy. to me is simply misunderstanding. Nobody is at fault really. Its just communication which got misunderstood.

Very often we like to form our own opinion and form our own judgement and there are certain expectations on people. Any events that went out of this alignment will cause disappointment, and misunderstandings.

Sad to see friendship end up in this manner. Why can't we have the kids' big heart forgive and forget.

Ask a friend on this and he says because we are not kids anymore.OK thats an answer.

Daer jesus, keep these people well. I know with your love, everything is possible. Its not gonna be easy but if you can let me experience the wonders of this forgiveness, they too shall be able to expereince this too :)

shucks I got back beatrice bday and I can't find it now.. eh oh i cross my fingers that I kept it in office. Too absent minded lately.

Nwo i better remmber to go for my scan on Wednesday. Doctor says she is not too comfortable and insist on me to go for a scan. I better be a good girl and go for it.

Everything shall be fine. Amen

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