Thursday, May 28, 2009

So blur...

Am blur as sotong(now why do we use blur as sotong this phrase, is sotong realy blur?) lately .

For instance, I actually forgot to alight when I went to work the other day, and alight at the next stop. That's not so bad as it still walkable distance., But a week later, I actually alight a stop earlier. goodness that I can't walk to office....

This week, I actualy wear a pair of black heels to work, only to discover I wore a mismatch pair of heels. Hmm no wonder I feel so weird and well God is good,I disccover it when I was stuck in the middle of the road when I didn't beat the green light. At least I haven't walk far yet, still can go back home to change ...

And a few days ago, I miss my bus stop while going home. I must be losting my focus. haiz.... time for a break.

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