Saturday, March 7, 2009

Quotes from The Shack

Finally I finished The Shack. Initially I was skeptical about this book, thought its just the usual typical setting: daughter get killed, God help the father to find the murderer, and get justice type of book. Saw a friend reading this book, didn't pay attention to it then. One day while surfing Amazon, came across this book, read the reviews and realise its one of the best sellers. (Well actually I realise most novels, books always have this XXX best seller, I always wonder if its true or maybe all books are best sellers :p)

Reserve the book at the local libray and there I was reading it. First few chapters, I was thinking, is this going to be a boring book, yawn.... And then slowly I get caught and was trying to finish to see the ending until I missed my MRT stop today. I never was so touched by a book before. Yes those sad stories make me tear but this is a totally different book.

I like the chapters whereby God, Jesus, Holy spirt help Missy's father to reconcile his pain, to make him see love, grace, forgiveness. It never was easy for Missy's father from his denial of the pain, the lies that wrapped him and eventually he did forgive the murderer.

Here's are some great lines that I want to share.

Trust is the fruit of a relationship in which you know you are loved

without wisdom, imagination is a cruel task master.

Don't ever assume that my using soemthing means I caused it or that I need it to accomplish my purposes. That will only lead you to false notions about me. Grace doesn't depend on suffering to exisit, bu t where there is suffering you will find grace in many facets and colors.

The person who lives by thier fears will not find freedom in my love.

Submission is not about authority and it is not obedience; it is all about relationships of love and respect.

It's all about relationships and simply sharing life.

"Then why did you give us those commandments?' asked Mack.
"Actually, we wanted you to give up trying to be righteous on your own. It was a mirror to reveal jut how filthy your face gets when you live independently.'

"But can you clean your face with the same mirror that shows you how dirty your are?'' There is no mercy or grace in rules, not even for one mistake. Thas's why Jesus fulfilled all of it for you- so that it no longer has jursdiction over you. And the Law that onece contained impossible demands- Thou Shall Not.. - actualy becomes a promise we fulfill in you.'

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